Who we work with

Dow Jones Newswires delivers comprehensive global real-time news, insights, market commentary and expert analysis - a direct line to the newsroom that powers the world’s most heralded business publications, including the The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s and MarketWatch. In an era of information everywhere, choose to inform your global trading and investing decisions with premium news, event data and archives from the trusted Dow Jones editorial team, built on a commitment to scoops, speed and a relentless pursuit of accuracy and depth.
For more on Dow Jones, see their website.

Euronext is the leading pan-European market infrastructure, connecting local economies to global capital markets, to accelerate innovation and sustainable growth. Euronext operates regulated and transparent equity and derivatives markets, one of Europe’s leading electronic fixed income trading markets and is the largest centre for debt and funds listings in the world. Its total product offering includes Equities, FX, Exchange Traded Funds, Warrants & Certificates, Bonds, Derivatives, Commodities and Indices. Euronext also leverages its expertise in running markets by providing technology and managed services to third parties.
For more on Euronext, see their website.

Finastra services 8,600 financial institutions, providing the broadest, deepest software applications and connectivity to marketplaces, partners and fintechs through their open platform. eflow’s transaction reporting solution TZTR is offered to Finastra clients on their FusionFabric.cloud platform.
For more on Finastra, see their website.

GRSS employs experienced compliance monitoring specialists to analyse and filter the output from surveillance systems, presenting the compliance officer with actionable reports. GRSS will work with the compliance officer to ensure that these systems are properly utilised and that their results are properly reviewed and considered. GRSS is not a systems vendor, nor part of one. It is a managed service provider that works closely with a firm’s compliance officer to optimise the surveillance activities of that firm. Solutions provided by GRSS include: process assessment, testing and core surveillance services.
For more on GRSS, see their website.

Map FinTech is a leading and award-winning global regulatory technology provider for the financial services industry, specialising in reporting solutions arising from the requirements of many complex international regulations such as EMIR, MiFIR, SFTR, ASIC, FATCA, DAC6 and CRS. MAP FinTech also provides innovative and comprehensive solutions for Best Execution Monitoring, RTS 27/28 reporting, AML Transaction Monitoring and Screening, Trade Surveillance (Market Abuse), and eKYC (Client on Boarding, Screening, eIDV, Document Authentication). MAP FinTech has successfully reported billion transactions to date and served over 180 B2B clients worldwide.
For more on Map FinTech, see their website.

The TeleMessage Mobile Archiver enables regulated companies to allow their employees to communicate over mobile devices, while capturing and archiving all communication.
TeleMessage allows compliant communication over WhatsApp, WeChat, Telegram, and Signal apps; as well as the recording of SMS, MMS and Calls. In addition, TeleMessage partners and integrates with leading email archiving and surveillance vendors allowing firms to store the mobile communication where they maintain emails/calls. With TeleMessage, enterprises and government entities can comply with regulations such as FINRA, MIFID, SEC, FOIA, and Public Records Laws.
For more on TeleMessage, see their website.

TS Imagine is a leading global cross-asset provider of trading, portfolio, and risk management solutions for financial services organisations. TS Imagine’s TradeSmart platform is recognised for its comprehensive connectivity, featuring pre-certified connections to over 250 listed brokers and venues, in addition to broker algos. This robust network provides significant value for clients, enabling them to access a broad spectrum of trading opportunities and liquidity sources.
For more on TS Imagine, see their website.

UnaVista is London Stock Exchange Group’s global hosted platform for all matching, validation and reconciliation needs. It offers a range of business solutions through one interface designed to help firms become more efficient and reduce operational and regulatory risk across all asset classes.
For more on UnaVista, see their website.

For more than fifteen years, Vectalis has been using its expertise in order to enhance and support the day-to-day OTC Equity Derivative workflow. From the front office to the back office, from the trading desk to the risk department, from investment banks to portfolio valuators, from EMEA to APAC, Vectalis is seen as a partner of choice.
For more on Vectalis, see their website.

REGIS-TR, SIX is the leading European trade repository offering reporting services covering all the major European reporting obligations. Established in Luxembourg in 2010, REGIS-TR, SIX is the largest European TR for EMIR, and offers services covering SFTR, FinfraG, and UK EMIR.
For more on Regis-TR, see their website.