TZTR Transaction Reporting solutions for EMIR

eflow’s TZTR Transaction Reporting technology has been engineered to enable financial institutions to manage all aspects of their EMIR reporting obligations from a single digital platform.
TZTR Screen Mockup

What is the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR)?

The European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) requires firms that trade in financial derivative contracts to file detailed reports via a Trade Repository. The original legislation was published in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis and imposes requirements to improve transparency and reduce the risks associated with the derivatives market. However, its complex provisions and technical language often make it hard for firms to fully understand their legal obligations. This confusion has been somewhat compounded by the passing of updated regulations in 2019, which are known as EMIR Refit. 

EMIR applies to all UK or EU entities that enter into, modify or terminate a derivative transaction. It can also apply to non-EU counterparties when dealing with an EU entity. A wide range of data must be reported, including the counterparty’s name, country of origin or domicile, and unique identifiers. Common data is also required, including the type of contract entered, its notional value, quantity traded, settlement date and time. 

The frequency of submission and volume of data that firms must report on means that EMIR reporting is often a significant, but essential, regulatory and operational burden. eflow’s TZTR module has been engineered to enable firms to automate, streamline and strengthen their EMIR reporting, allowing them to focus on other key business objectives. 

How TZTR simplifies your EMIR reporting processes

TZTR enables firms to manage all aspects of their EMIR reporting obligations from a single digital platform.

The highly configurable platform automatically collates the 203 data fields required under EMIR reporting guidelines, enriches it with market data, and then submits your reports to the relevant Trade Repositories (TRs). Once the reports have been submitted, you can review feedback in the platform before ingesting the regulator’s response files. These can then be used to make field-by-field edits for resubmission.

This end-to-end process is fully automated by TZTR’s built-in workflows which strengthen the accuracy of the data being captured, while also providing a complete digital audit trail of every action taken across the platform. This not only reduces the risk of reporting errors, but simplifies the reporting of vital management information and drives operational efficiency.

A holistic regulatory approach

A holistic regulatory approach

Strengthen your transaction reporting capabilities through a centralised digital system that provides ‘one source of the truth’
Quicker and more efficient processes

Quicker and more efficient processes

Automate your transaction reporting processes to drive efficiency, reduce operational backlogs and free up resources
Improved governance

Improved governance

Enjoy peace of mind from a comprehensive data enrichment process that validates your trade data against multiple industry sources
A flexible, scalable compliance tool

A flexible, scalable compliance tool

TZTR is agnostic to environment and regulator, offering a scalable solution that evolves with your business
Tailor your platform to fit your strategy

Tailor your platform to fit your strategy

Configure your platform’s reporting metrics in line with your firm’s regulatory strategy and risk appetite
Technology that evolves with you

Technology that evolves with you

Access to a constantly evolving platform that is developed in line with feedback from more than 100 global financial institutions
‘Always on’ audit trails for complete visibility

‘Always on’ audit trails for complete visibility

Monitor, track and report on all platform activity for complete transparency across your transaction reporting
‘Regulator ready’ reporting at the click of a button

‘Regulator ready’ reporting at the click of a button

Generate highly detailed reports to satisfy the most granular of requests from regulators

Regulatory technology that evolves with your business

While the legislation that governs financial institutions is clearly defined, we understand that each firm’s regulatory strategy is unique. This is why we have designed our solutions to be regionally agnostic and mould flexibly around your organisation’s specific requirements.
A comprehensive EMIR solution

A comprehensive EMIR solution

A fully integrated transaction reporting solution for EMIR, all managed from one digital hub

Data enrichment

Data enrichment

Automated data enrichment for all alerts and asset types from the eflow Market Data Store which curates data from more than 250 sources

Trackable platform use

Trackable platform use

Gain insights on how your compliance team is interacting with the system and view full internal audit trails

Automated reporting

Automated reporting

Error handling, automatic submissions and field-by-field editing all included as standard

Retrospective testing

Retrospective testing

Back-test trade data to ensure robust, retrospective compliance

Seamless connectivity

Seamless connectivity

Digitally connected to the relevant Trade Repository for seamless report submission

Robust data validation

Robust data validation

Automatically cross-references all records received against the FIRDS register to ensure eligibility

Expert onboarding

Expert onboarding

Full access to eflow’s customer success team while we onboard you on to TZTR

Painless migration 

Painless migration

Seamless migration from your existing system to ensure zero periods of ‘regulatory downtime’

Trusted by industry leaders

Thomas Zraunig, Information Security Officer

Being able to implement eflow’s solutions for trade surveillance, best execution and transaction reporting was more efficient, reduces our overheads, and provides us with a holistic regulatory technology solution. As a result, working with eflow was an obvious decision.